Gwalior 1976
Bhopal 1976
Gwalior 1978
Bhopal 1978
Gwalior 1980
Jabalpur 1980
New Delhi 1980
Indore 1984
Ahmedabad 1985
Dhoomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi 1986
Chemould Art Gallery, Bombay 1989
Art Hertage, New Delhi 1990
Bombay 1990
Bombay 1991
Genesis Art Gallery, Calcutta 1982
Bombay 1982
Rashtrya Lalit Kala Kendra, Bhubaneswar 1996
Taj Art Gallery, Bombay 1997
Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay 1998
Gallery Shes, Asahikawa, Japan 1998
Gallery Tokeida, Saporo, Japan 1998
ABC Gallery, Banaras 1999
Art Indus, New Delhi 2000
ART INC, New Delhi 2000
Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal 2001
Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai 2004
Several Regularly exhibitied in various Art Exhibition in India and Abroad From 1976.
Bharat Bhavan Inaugural Show, Bhopal 1982
Some Aspects of Indian Art, New Delhi 1985
Bharat Bhavan Binnial, Bhopal 1986
Fine Arts from Madhya Pradesh, New Delhi 1987
Uplabdhi 28 Artists of M.P. Bhopal 1987
Seventeen Indian Painters, Bombay 1988
Artists Alert, New Delhi 1989
Indian Eclectics, New Delhi 1989
Xal PRAXIS Foundation Print Exhibition, Bombay 1990
Seventh Triennale, New Delhi 1992
Imprints On Our Time, Bombay 1992
International Show Comart, Korea 1992
Young Contemporary Artists from SAARC Countries 1992
Souvenr den France, New Delhi 1993
Trends and images, Seema Gallery, Culcutta 1993
Drawing 94, Gallery, Espace, New Delhi 1994
La ou Fint L absence, Bhopal 1994
TATTOOED Spaces, New Delhi 1994
Dhoomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi 1994
Artist from Madhya Pradesh, Madras 1994
The Art Trust Collection Bombay 1994
Defiant Ones, Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay 1995
Bangla Desh Beinnale, Dhaka 1995
Moving Away from Traditions, The Easel Art Gallery Chennai 1995
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi 1996
Harmony Snow, Mumbai 1996
Art from the Land of Heart, Art Indus, New Delhi 1996
Exposition Lalit kala Akademy, New Delhi 1996
Gift for India by Sahmat, New Delhi 1997
Major Trends in Indian Art LKA, New Delhi 1997
Harmony Show Mumbai 1997
Tribute to Mother Teresa, Art Indus, New Delhi 1997
Asia Print Adventure, Japan 1998
International Print Triennial in Kanagawa, Japan 1998
Art Foil Inaugural Show, Chandigarh 1998
Surya Gallery 6th Anniversary, Exhibition, Hyderabad 1998
Inaugural Show of Crimson Art Gallery, Mumbai 1999
The Millennium Mask Dhoomimal Art Centre, New Delhi 2000
Black & White by art today, New Delhi 2000
Graphic Expressions, Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai 2000
Combine Voices for the Century, Art Inc. New Delhi 2000
Art for Concern, Mumbai 2001
Exhibition of young Indian Contemporary Artists
Gallery Espace, New Delhi 2000-01
Contemporary Indian Painting
Kleinsassen, Fulda, Germany 2001
Asia Print Adventure, Japan 2003
4th Egyptian International Print Triennale 2003
An expression of Art by Gallery Vyakt, New Delhi 2003
Gallery Art & Rugs, Gurgaon 2003
Habiart Gallery, New Delhi 2004
M.P.State Award 1977,80,81
All India Kalidas Award, Ujjain 1977
All India Exhibition MKKP Raipur 1976,77
M.P.Youth & Social Welfare Award 1979
All India drawing Exhibition, Chandigarh 1984,85
State Raza Award, Bhopal 1984
Bharat Bhavan Biennial, Bhopal 1986
National Award LKA New Delhi 1987
International Asian European Biennial, Turkey 1990
Indian Eclectics Exhibition, New Delhi 1989
Govt.of India Fellowship HRD Ministry, New Delhi 1989-92
QIONGDAO International Print Biennial of China 2000
Shikhar Samman by Dept. of Culture, Govt. of M.P. 2001
Raza Foundation Award 2004
All India Sculpture camp Gwalior 1974
Gwalior Artists Camp Gwalior 1976
M.P.Artist Camp Bhopal 1976
LKA Graphic Camp, New Delhi 1977
Students Camp, New Delhi 1977
Mural Camp, Cancer Hospital, Gwalior 1977
Metal Casting Camp, Gwalior 1977
Graphic Camp, Gwalior 1978
All India Artists Camp LKA Bhubaneshwar 1980
Painters Camp by J&K Academy, Sringar 1985
All India Artist Camp, Manipur 1990
International Painters Camp, Goa 1991
C.M.C.All India Painters Camp, New Delhi 1992
All India Painters Camp, Pune 1993
All India Painters Camp, Bhopal 1994
All India Painters Camp, Rajamundri 1994
All India Painters Camp Lucknow 1994
Art & Nature International Camp, New Delhi 1995
All India Print Making Camp, Jaipur 1996
All India Artist Camp J&Kashmir 1997
All India Artist Camp, Karnatka 2000
All India Prints Makers Camp, Bhopal 2001
All India Painter's Camp, Jaipur 2003
All India Artist's Camp, Barog H.P. 2003
Collected Folk and Tribal Arts for Roopankar
Museum, Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal
Member Govt. Nominee of M.P.Kala Parishad 1990
Member of Executive Board M.P. Kala Parishad
Govt Nominee 1995
Set up Graphics Workshop, Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal
Collected folk & Tribal Art for the Festival of India
in Japan.
Documentation of Craft and Craftmen of Dhar, Jhabua
District of Madhya Pradesh for Craft Museum, N. Delhi
M.P.Govt Nominnee for LKA 1989
Member of Executive Board of LKA 1984
Member of Programme Committee of SCZCC,Nagpur
Invited by Turkey Govt. 1980
Invited by French Govt. 1990-91
Convener Waterless Lithography Camp, Bhopal 1994
Collaboration with Tamarind institute america, LKA &
Bharat Bhavan.
Nominated and served as Member of jury for several National Exhibitions including LKA, Kalidas Samman M.P. Culture Dept, Rajasthan Art Biennial, South Central Zone Nagpur
Andhra Pradesh Kala Akademi, M.P. Kala Pradesh, Raza Award Exhibition etc.
Invited by Asia Print Adventure Committee, Japan
commissioner Ist Eastern Print Biennial
Member of 3rd International Biennial of Prints
Committee by Bharat Bhavan
Member of Several Committees of LKA, N.Delhi.
Lecture on Asian Spirit organised by
Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art Japan.
Lecture on Prints of Future organised by
Asahikawa Sculputure Museum Japan.
Wirte up on Contemporary Print Art Published by
Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai.
Contributed an article on Art in Kalavarta Periodicle,
many other Art magazine.
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.
Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi.
Garhi Studio, New Delhi.
M.P. Kala Parishad, Bhopal Roopankar Museum.
Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal
Orissa Lalit Kala Academy, Bhubaneshwar.
Cancer Hospital, Gwalior.
Municipal Corporation Museum, Gwalior.
Manipur State Lalit Kala Academy, Imphal.
Sanskrit Pratisthan, New Delhi.
U.P. State Lalit Kala Academy.
Nag Foundation , Pune.
SCZCC, Nagpur.
NCZCC, Allahabad.
CMC's, New Delhi.
Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy.
National Institute of immunology, New Delhi
Many Private Collections in India and Abroad.
including China, Japan, France, U.K., UAE., Turkey