Bimal Das Gupta can be hailed as one of Bengal's leading Abstract painters. Most painters in Bengal itself seem somewhat entangled in the 'Is Modern Art Indian' controversy whereas those artists from Bengal who are settled in Delhi, Bombay, Baroda or elsewhere seem fairly clear about the directions and necessity for their work to be a reflection of contemporary ideas and taste.
Bimal's work has richness and certainity which is a formidable anchor. He has not been painting purely abstract works for long but has come to this statement only after a measure of discipline in other media and idioms. Hence it is that his works have a fine structural sense in their composition. This is a foundation born of wide practise in composition and not the mere simplification of a new dabbler with paint. Today Das Gupta's work bears the marks of a rich and very deep conviction. For him there is no other way.

It is rather difficult to attempt to describe the qualities a of painting in words. Paintings are meant to be seen not grasped by the mind by description and this is especially difficult when one is dealing collectively with an artist's whole output and not with a single individual painting. The collective work represents the artist's potential more completely. He is known indeed by his personal style, which is his signature and a unique contribution to the stream of art.