Jai Zharotia


Jai Zharotia was born as a very distinctive child, who was never satisfied with his own self. He has a great mysticism, always eager to conceive something, explore the unknown and trying to unwrap persistently layer by layer as if he is on an unending quest for finding the inexpressible, deeply rooted in the depth of his inner consciousness. Time is dynamic; the instant that brings the person into this world, a preferred one by Providence, to fulfill the desire and intent of the soul. This manifestation needs the space, which is prearranged by the inner universe. It needs thought, as the medium of expression, this finally concludes in a significant psychological assemblance of an artist which is always evident in his creation.

Jai Zharotia believes that thoughts do not have any boundaries. They expand in all directions; multiply themselves with a rhythmic equivalence, as an endless sequence of a dream. They create a fantasy as they move ahead in time. This is the process of transformation of reflections of nebulous, the ‘Nirakara’ to become discernible into form or ‘Aakara’. Jai tries to follow these fantasies in a playful manner and gets unified with the same.


1945 Born in Delhi

1967 Diploma in Arts


  • 1945 Born in Delhi
  • 1967 Diploma in Arts
  • 1971 National Diploma in Fine Arts
  • 1971-74 Worked for children's educational projects
  • 1974 Joined College of Arts New Delhi as a lecturer and at present Professor and Head of the Department, M.F.A. Painting.

  • Solo Exhibitions:

  • 1970-97 More than twenty one-man shows in India, U.K., U.S.A., Holland and Germany
  • 1997 " Mirror of Mind" ARKS Gallery, London.
  • "Cirrus of Life" Vedant Gallery, Chicago-USA
  • "Mystery" Kumar Gallery, New Delhi

  • Group Exhibitions:

  • 1967-97 Participation in important group shows in India and international exhibitions

  • Awards / Grants:

  • 1979 for Graphics, Sahitya Kala Parishad
  • 1980 for Silk-screen print Sahitya Kala parishad for Lithographs All India Graphics, Chandigarh
  • 1981 for Graphics, All India Graphics, Chandigarh
  • 1983 for silk screen print AIFACS, New Delhi
  • 1984 for Drawing 'All India Drawings', Chandigarh / for silk screen print 'Takhman', Udaipur
  • 1985 for silk screen print Sahitya Kala Parishad
  • 1987 for Ceramics and Drawing AIFACS, New Delhi
  • 1993 National Award, Lalit Kala Academi, New Delhi